Gardening as Therapy: Healing Mind and Body

Being with Nature is Therapy
Gardening as an engagement initiates and lays the foundation for a spiritual connection with nature. It is a beautiful detour from day-to-day life to smoothen ruffled feathers and go easy. A positive influence on mental health when in natural settings has been established. It is a truth from time immemorial. Research has from time to time highlighted that spending time outdoors, particularly in green areas, can dramatically bring down anxiety, depression, and stress levels. It also helps in improving mood and cognitive faculties.
Mindfulness and gardening go hand-in-hand because they insist on attention to small details via concentration. Right from planting seeds, one has to be extremely watchful. From watching them grow into little saplings, one has to remain attentive. Till they start carrying flowers, fruits, or vegetables, one has to be extremely watchful and caring at every stage of its life cycle. Caring for the flowers, trimming shrubs, and weeding out pests, the process is one of great single-mindedness. The University of Bristol, through its studies, has declared that individuals who engage in gardening possess higher levels of well-being and life satisfaction.
Repetitive and meditative aspects of gardening impart a soothing and stabilizing influence. It is a phenomenon associated with this engagement with nature. The sheer joy of bringing a tiny seed to a fruit or flower-bearing entity. Individuals celebrate an internal sense of achievement and control. This is distinctly beneficial for those faced with anxiety or depression.

Gardening as Physical Exercise
The mental health advantages of gardening are well known by all, but the rewards of physical well-being are also manifold. Gardening positions itself as a low-impact exercise boosting strength, cardiovascular health, and flexibility. Different muscle groups are engaged physically during digging, planting, weeding, and watering akin to both strength and endurance training. Exposure to sunlight which is natural while working outdoors, surely boosts Vitamin D levels, which is vital for immunity and bone health.
Senior citizens benefit greatly from gardening, which aids them in enhancing overall mobility, maintaining motor skills, and promoting balance. It works as a moderately gentle exercise alternative to vigorous workout routines. Over the years research has signalled that regular gardening can lower the risk of chronic conditions such as heart disease, and hypertension, making it an almost zero-cost alternative to run-of-the-mill exercise methods with life-changing benefits.

Social Bonding and Community Involvement

Gardening as Mental Well-Being
People with mental health concerns benefit hugely by engaging in gardening activities. Horticultural therapy has been showing positive results in sectors of mental health. It is a specialized practice that utilizes gardening as a mode of therapeutic intervention, successfully used to assist individuals with different conditions, including depression, anxiety, PTSD, and dementia.
Studies show that human interaction with natural surroundings and plants reduces Cortisol levels, the hormone linked to stress, by fostering a sense of tranquility. People combatting mental health problems benefit a lot from the feeling of joy in accomplishing and a sense of purpose from gardening. Preservation of motor skills, and memory stimulation through gardening as a cognitive activity helps those with Alzheimer’s and dementia. Handling soil is a tactile experience, and so is observing the growth of new life from the seeds one had planted, and inhaling floral scents – All these can help alleviate agitation by triggering positive emotions and memories about the joy of life.